Today I worked on creating a prototype of a Card class, Deck class, and CardTable class for the poker game I will be creating. Over the past two weeks I have learned to use pygame, a GUI interface specifically tailored towards game development, by coding various projects on my own time. Today, I collected royalty-free images of cards that I plan to use in my game and wrote methods to import those images into my game. I created a deck of 52 cards using a list storing 52 card objects, each containing their own data (value, suit, and image). I then implemented the Fischer-Yates shuffling algorithm to shuffle the deck of cards, which I have not yet tested, but likely works. I also implemented various other methods in the card and deck classes which I have yet to test. While creating these classes, I also pondered some of the possible design issues I need to keep in mind as I am creating this game (e.g. how I will represent the cards as input data in the neural network I will build). We'll see how my design choices unfold as I continue coding this project
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